Saturday, September 25, 2021

I dont even know where to begin but let us give it a try /

 The month of september has been a sad one . I lost my oldest dog on the 16th and my SIL has been gone a year now . She departed September 24th a year ago . Yesterday one of my friends lost her husband September 24 th !! Im so over september now . I have to live the rest of my life facing losses near and dear to me . This is not an easy task or road by any means . Im sure some of you know what I mean . I dont have anything else to share at this point so I will close here . take care all .

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

The big house in Macon Ga

My husband wanted to go see the Allman Brothers Band Museum in Macon Ga . It was interesting to say the least . My husbands cousin used to date Gregg Allman back in the day and she said she did not want to go as it breaks her heart to see that . You see Gregg died in 2018 of liver cancer . I see from visiting there how much stuff we leave behind including ppl we once loved . I sure hope I never broke anyone s heart by breaking up with them or just leaving them .Gregg Allman seemed like a halfway decent guy and would watch his words carefully . I think that got me to thinking about how sometimes we left things unsaid that we should have said . I sincerely hope and pray that I have the quality to watch what I say to people I know . I do believe that is so important and necessary .